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Getting Started

Version Information

Introduced at the 0.5.0 version.

Database Information

Supported only on PostgreSQL Database's.

The widget only supports ImageField and this is a limitation to upload only one image per widget. The inline admin support multiple images upload but it is only supported by the django.contrib.admin pages.

Some comments, like the Discussion #97, Issue #146 and Issue #110 make some feature requests and the Issue #146 takes one proposition: uses the ArrayField. The ArrayField is a PostgreSQL specific field and support for storing multiple values into one field.

Experimental for Now?

Currently, we have added support, addaptating the inline admin feature to work widget-like and add support for the ArrayField to store images using the storage and save it path to an ArrayField. This is, really, a little experimental for now, and can contains some bugs. If your found one: open a Issue reporting.

Attention Point

See the attention point on the Prevent Raw Images Path Change page.


Instead of widget or inline admin that we only set the widget and inline admin for the created model, in this part, we need to customize the model.

from django.db import models
from image_uploader_widget.postgres import ImageListField

class TestWithArrayField(models.Model):
    images = ImageListField(blank=True, null=True, upload_to="admin_test")

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = "Test With Array Field"

This is really simple and is not needed to create more customizations. The widget and form is automatic created for the custom multiple images widget.