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ADR 0000: Why jQuery?

📅 November 2023.
✍ Eduardo Oliveira


Some of the django-admin scripts uses jQuery and we need to decide if we will use jQuery or not.

Decision Drivers

  • We need to maintain retrocompatibility with Django 3.2 and new versions of Django 4.x.
  • Our code don't have any dependencies to jQuery.


At the Django 3.2 and Django 4.0 version, the inlines.js script (a script to control the inlines form inside the django-admin) dispatch formset:added event as jQuery trigger() event. This event can't be catched using native event handlers [inlines.js#L91].

At Django 4.1.x version, this event dispatch was transformed to use native browser CustomEvent [inlines.js#L91]. The other side way is valid: if we dispatched the event using native CustomEvent can be catched by the jQuery on() method. Then, to maintain compatibility with Django 4.0.x and Django 3.2.x, we decided to use jQuery at this project with one restriction:

  • jQuery is used, and your use is alowed only in this case, to start the widget inside inlines formset.

Version Information

jQuery is no more used on 0.6.0+ versions because the widget no need more initialization. This is commented on ADR 0005: Why using event bubbling on widget