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Custom Text and Icons

To customize the image uploader widget, you can set some variables (this feature is based on the issue #77). In this page we talk about how to, easy, change the texts and icons on that lib.

For the widget, to customize the icon and the text we need to set some variables in the ImageUploaderWidget constructor, like it:

# ...
class TestCustomForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = CustomWidget
        widgets = {
            'image': ImageUploaderWidget(
                drop_icon="<svg ...></svg>",
                drop_text="Custom Drop Text",
                empty_icon="<svg ...></svg>",
                empty_text="Custom Empty Marker Text",
        fields = '__all__'

In this example, we set all four properties (drop_icon, drop_text, empty_icon and empty_text) for the widget. In the icons is possible to use the django.shortcuts.render (REF) to renderize the icon from an HTML template.

Another way for customize it is create an new widget class based on that and use it for your forms:

class MyCustomWidget(ImageUploaderWidget):
    drop_text = ""
    empty_text = ""

    def get_empty_icon(self):
        return render(...)

    def get_drop_icon(self):
        return render(...)

class TestCustomForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = CustomWidget
        widgets = {
            'image': MyCustomWidget()
        fields = '__all__'